Suffering from unmanaged back pain or erectile dysfunction (ED)? Optimum Mens Health now offers a pain-free, non-invasive option for treating various ailments, including both ED and several types of musculoskeletal pain. Acoustic wave therapy is a simple, nonsurgical treatment that may actually repair damaged tissue as opposed to simply managing symptoms.
Exploring Acoustic Wave Therapy
What is acoustic wave therapy?
An acoustic wave machine emits high-energy radial shockwaves to various areas of the body. These waves are scientifically proven to have an impact on collagen structure and the skin’s connective tissue, improving blood circulation. The same technology is used to break up kidney stones when patients undergo lithotripsy.
What are you using it for in your office?
At Optimum Mens Health, we are using acoustic wave technology to treat erectile dysfunction and musculoskeletal pain, including treatments for tennis elbow, rotator cuff pain, planter fasciitis, and neck and lower back pain.
How does the treatment work for ED?
Acoustic wave therapy induces cellular microtrauma, which stimulates the release of growth factors and results in the formation of new blood vessels in the treated area. By forming new blood vessels, the treatment may actually help restore some natural function while reducing the reliance on pharmaceutical treatments.
How does acoustic wave therapy work for pain?
Acoustic wave therapy can provide immediate and lasting pain relief. A twofold process occurs. The soundwaves loosen and break down tissue and fibers while stimulating the production of healthy and active new tissue. Acoustic wave therapy temporarily increases blood circulation to the affected area, and increased blood flow helps the body heal damaged tissue, including muscles, tendons, and fascia.
In addition, substance P is a neurotransmitter that mediates pain information. This neuropeptide is generally associated with intense persistent and chronic pain. Acoustic wave therapy lowers the substance P concentration and helps trigger instant pain relief.
How is the procedure performed?
We will first rub the treatment area with a gel and then we glide over it with a handheld wand, where powerful soundwaves flow through the tip. Treatment time lasts only 5-10 minutes.
Does treatment hurt?
There is no pain involved. The feeling is compared to a percussion type massage. This therapy is a simple, pain-free, non-invasive procedure with no downtime.
Who do you recommend receives this procedure?
Any patient who is suffering from erectile dysfunction should look into acoustic wave therapy. If you want improvement in erectile quality, sensitivity, or if you are intolerant to side effects of ED medications, I also urge you to give Optimum Mens Health a call. The treatment also works as a great adjunct to the Priapus Shot.
In addition, any patient who is suffering from musculoskeletal pain, especially those who would rather try less invasive procedures without pharmaceuticals, may benefit from the procedure.
Closing Thoughts
Acoustic wave therapy aims to revolutionize the field of ED treatment as well as various types of pain management. If your goal is to avoid taking medications or when side effects from pharmaceuticals become unbearable, this non-invasive, painless procedure may be right for you.
Ilan Gruenwald, Neuro-Urology Unit, Rambam Medical Center and Rappaport Faculty of Medicine, Technion, Haifa 34679, Israel; Shockwave treatment of erectile dysfunction
Rajendra Kashinath Shimpi and Ravi Jineshkumar Jain, Department of Urology and Genito-Urinary Surgery, Ruby Hall Clinic, Pune, Maharashtra, India; Role of extracorporeal shock wave therapy in management of Peyronie’s disease: A preliminary report